It?s tough enough to go outside these days without encountering something that could kill you…
let alone trying to protect your skin from everything we are told that is causing premature aging.
* Sun exposure?
You can believe the hype. Everything you’ve heard is true, you skin NEEDS sunscreen everyday.
* Cigarettes?
Also true. Smoking cigarettes is a deadly habit for both your internal-organs, and for your beauty.
* Water-bottles?
An article in Ecouterre reveals that a habit we thought was good for us, might actually be wreaking havoc on the delicate skin around our mouths.
?Experts are issuing a warning that drinking from water bottles?could be the cause of unsightly premature wrinkles. But the accusation does not come from the potentially toxic BPA?that the plastic bottle may contain, but instead the shape of the bottle itself. It seems woman across the country have become ?victims? of deep wrinkles around their mouths, due to repeated pursing of the lips when taking hydrating swigs from their water bottles.?
The expert provided solution?
?The doctors recommend avoiding water bottles and straws in general, opting for cups that don?t cause the mouth to continuously purse*.?
So now it’s not just the environment being destroyed by water-bottles (and straws?), but our faces too?!
If this is a warning you choose to follow, you’re fortunate.
Making a change like this isn?t that hard — you can still drink as much water (or… the beverage of your choice) as often you like, just go for a cup instead of a bottle or straw. (Or a squeezey-bottle you can just shoot right into your mouth? Or better yet, an IV? If you just take your mouth out of the equation all together, you’re golden. Right?)
The really good news?
Your wine-glass is?still?a perfect, doctor-approved drinking vessel. #phewAF
*Does this mean that every duck-face selfie is also causing premature aging?!