We have witnessed first-hand (first-face?) the wonderful myriad of ways that injections can make life better. Aside from the cosmetic perks (which are not to be minimized), Botox* injections can also be used to prevent migraines, stop TMJ pains, prevent over-sweating for the under-arms, and new indications are being researched and developed every day. (There are currently studies underway for Botox’s effect on bladder-spasms and MS treatment.)
While Botox can be an effective treatment for very serious health-issues, it is also being experimented with as possible solutions for first-world-problems.
A few years ago there were rumors about Botox being injected into the soles of the feet of women who wanted to wear stiletto-heels more comfortably. Allegedly this was a hot trend in New York city, however this request never made it’s way to our Philadelphia office…
Now, the latest out-of-the-box-thinking usage for Botox Cosmetic is a technique affectionately dubbed “Blotox”. Predicated upon the same premise as Botox for hyperhidrosis (over-sweating) the idea is that if Botox Cosmetic is injected along the scalp – hairstyles will be preserved longer due to the absence of sweat.
Extremely popular among NYC and London career-women, this treatment is a high-end convenience that allows long-haired ladies to partake in their desired workout sessions without having to take the time to wash and style their hair afterwards, or just go longer between hair-washes.
The demand for this treatment has caused practitioners to give it a name, hence the term “Blotox” was coined to represent the marriage of Botox and blow-outs.
New York dermatologists Dr Michelle Henry and Dr Cindy Bae said “Blotox” treatments were the ideal fix for the “working woman” that wants to maintain a normal work-life balance, and still look “glam”.
“I have been doing Blotox treatment for about eight years,” Dr Henry told US Weekly. “I had a number of patients that were resistant to working out because they didn’t want to ruin their hairstyle or blowout. Blotox makes a huge difference for the working woman who wants to be fit but still look great. For patients with curly or kinky hair, [Blotox allows] their blowouts will remain intact longer.”
The treatment works by inhibiting the sweat-glands. The result of reduced scalp perspiration allows the patient to experience less frizz and fly-aways, and not have to wash their hair as frequently.
Per Dr Bae, “Blotox” treatments have recently exploded. Patients that receive Blotox treatments “won’t sweat as much so their blowout will last longer and their hair won’t feel or look as greasy,” Dr Bae told US Weekly.
“Frizzy hair, as you are aware, is made worse when exposed to moisture, allowing it to return to it’s natural frizzy or curly state.” Dr. Bae explains. Botox stops sweating by blocking the nerve impulses to the individual sweat glands. When used in the scalp, sweating is reduced, thus reducing the tendency of straightened hair to return to it’s curly, frizzy, natural state.
The $500 – $700 treatment lasts 3-9 months, and takes about 15-minutes.
With this treatment drawing interest in major cities across the globe, it’ll be interesting to see when the requests start hitting Philadelphia offices.
*Botox is the more well-known product in the United States, so we use that product referenced here. However, please know that rival product Dysport can be used interchangeably with Botox.